Mark & Sam talk to interesting people who have a story to tell.
Focus on art, lifestyle, entrepreneurship.
Laurie Swanson, Why People Hate Their Jobs and How to Pivot
In this episode we talk with Laurie Swanson TED speaker and business owner of "InspiHER Tech". Laurie talks who people hate their jobs and about career transformation, mindset, and intuitively-guided careers. People make about 35,000 decisions every day and our world is more complex and crowded than ever. So how does one steer a career though all of this?
The fallout from not steering is a disconnect with our inner selves. People experience a sense of drowning, of being overwhelmed and feeling stuck in their careers. The results are quiet quitting and the glaring truth that what used to light us up just doesn’t do it anymore.
She explains what happens when your learning curve crosses your wisdom curve and how that might change how you feel about that job you have loved for many years. How do you pivot?
Laurie's website